Panchagani one of popular hill station in Maharashtra

Panchagani hill station
Panchagani hill station
Panchagani hill stations located between Five Hills and it’s an idyllic mountain retreat in the Krishna valley. A Panchagani hill station is located in Satara district of Maharashtra, Panchagani is a popular hill station of Maharashtra on the highway to Mahabaleshwar from Pune. It derives its name from the five hills around it.

At an altitude of 1,334m, it is just 38m below Mahabaleshwar. These 38m translate themselves into a breathtaking 18-km approach, offering heart-stopping views of the River Krishna on one side and the coastal plains on the other. It is far from the noise of Pune and the endless hustle-bustle and pollution of Mumbai metropolis. It is the first hill town one reaches from Mahabaleshwar on the Pune road.

Panchagani one of popular hill stations where tourists can enjoy a network of nature walks through the woods, thickly canopied by lush trees and vegetation. The river Krishna snakes through tiny hamlets, farms and ravines, hundreds of meters below. Visit Table Land, a flat mountain peak and feast your eyes on the coastal plains, looking like miniature watercolors.  All Accommodation facilities are available in Panchagani hill stations.

How to Reach Panchagani

By Air:
Nearest airport is Pune at 160-km from Panchagani.

By Rail:
Pune is the most convenient and nearest railway station.

By Road:
Panchagani is just 18-km from Mahabaleshwar. Panchagani can be easily approached by road from Mumbai and Pune. Luxury bus services of MTDC are a regular feature from Mumbai and Pune.
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